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Finance Department

in this section

        Compensation Plan

        Benefits & Payroll

        Financial Transparency

       Accounts Payable &



Director of Business Services
April Pinkham

Payroll & Employee Benefits Coordinator
Larisa Parks
409-316-6545 ext. 1504

Grants Specialist
Kay Painter
409-316-6545 ext. 1503

Accounts Payable/Purchasing Coordinator
Katrina Cruz
409-316-6545 ext. 1507

Welcome to the Finance department!

The Hitchcock ISD Finance Department is led by our Finance Director, who oversees the day-to-day financial operations and is responsible for the overall fiscal condition of the district. The Finance Department is tasked with the implementation and consistent application of sound management practices and controls, including transparent financial reporting analysis, cash flow, debt management, payroll, risk management, managing and monitoring of the budget, and the procurement process. The department also oversees State, Federal & Private Accountability and more.