A flexible system of viable service options provide a research-based learning continuum that is developed and consistently implemented throughout the district to meet the needs and reinforce the strengths and interests of gifted/talented students.
The district meets the needs of gifted/talented students by modifying the depth, complexity, and pacing of the curriculum and instruction ordinarily provided by the school.
Hitchcock ISD offers an array of learning opportunities that emphasize content in the four core academic areas, including: English Language Arts and Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. These opportunities include:
- Differentiation – This is an instructional model guiding teachers in developing classrooms that are actively attentive to the needs of academically diverse student populations. The approach of differentiating instruction advocates active planning for student difference in the classroom. In a differentiated classroom, students have multiple options for, o Taking in or accessing information (content); o Making sense of ideas (process); o Expressing what they learn (product).
- G/T cluster grouping – This is a method where G/T students are clustered with a G/T trained classroom teacher, who is responsible for teaching the core content academic curriculum as well as differentiating instruction for the G/T students.
Service Design
Grades K-2:
Differentiation: The G/T trained classroom teacher provides differentiated learning opportunities to those students who have been formally identified for participation in the G/T program. Flexible grouping and acceleration opportunities are utilized.
Grades 3-5
Differentiation: The G/T trained classroom teacher provides differentiated learning opportunities to those students who have been formally identified for participation in the G/T program. Flexible grouping and acceleration opportunities are utilized.
Enrichment: UIL and other activities provide opportunities to work together in a group, to make choices about areas of enrichment/exploration, and to engage in out-of-school events.
Additional Support: This time is used to add additional support for the G/T student in a variety of modalities. Students will extend learning from other classes, and utilize research and inquiry processes, as well as project-based learning.
Grades 6-8
Differentiation: Identified students in Math, Reading/Language Arts, Science, and/or Social Studies are offered differentiated learning opportunities for gifted and talented students within the classroom. Flexible grouping and acceleration opportunities are utilized.
Enrichment: UIL and other activities provide opportunities to work together in a group, to make choices about areas of enrichment/exploration, and to engage in out-of-school events.
Grades 9-12
Differentiation: Identified students in Math, Reading/Language Arts, Science, and/or Social Studies are offered differentiated learning opportunities for gifted and talented students within the classroom. Flexible grouping and acceleration opportunities are utilized.
Enrichment: UIL and other activities provide opportunities to work together in a group, to make choices about areas of enrichment/exploration, and to engage in out-of-school events.
Advanced Academic Classes: Dual credit, and other such courses are offered in Math, Reading/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies by educators who are trained in advanced curriculum and/or in gifted and talented education.