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McKinney Vento Act

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Hitchcock ISD McKinney Vento Contact
Kia'rra Williams
District Social Worker
409-316-6545 ext. 1439


Hitchcock ISD will increase identification of homeless students and assure that those students improve academically by increasing its dedicated district staff and by developing partnerships capable of providing socio-economic supports needed to improve homeless student academic achievement.


PAWS (Positive Assistance Working for Students)
Hitchcock ISD has created a school supply and clothing center to provide assistance for identified homeless students throughout the school year. The PAWS center is supported by donations in the community and partnership with local businesses.

Backpack Buddy
Hitchcock ISD has a partnership with the food bank and H.I.S. ministries to provide non perishable meals on a weekly basis throughout the school year for identified homeless families.

Students bring home a backpack with different consumable nutritional products every Friday to supplement a healthy diet while they are not attending school.
Upon returning to school on Monday students will be able to perform academically since their basic needs have been met.