Performance Objective 1: 100% of students will achieve at least one year’s academic progress on year-end assessments (STAAR, TELPAS, TPRI/TEMI, etc.)
Performance Objective 2: 30% or more of students will achieve Mastery on STAAR assessments
Performance Objective 3: 100% of students will meet or exceed the level of Approaches for the STAAR (in each subject area)
Performance Objective 4: 100% of 12th graders will meet College, Career, and/or Military Readiness (CCMR) standards
Performance Objective 5: Achieve UIL Academic District Champion at each division level (elementary, middle, and high school levels)
Performance Objective 6: All extra-curricular organizations, teams, and clubs will achieve Regional and/or State level
Performance Objective 7: All students participating in organizations, teams, and clubs will achieve 100% passing rate all school year
Performance Objective 8: Decrease the achievement gap between special populations of students (socio-economic status, ethnicity, Special Education, English Learners, etc.) to achieve “Met Standard” in “Closing the Gaps” on State Accountability
Performance Objective 9: Increase student average daily attendance to 97%